Friday, September 9, 2011

I think I am getting sick

Funny thing about being a mother. You have the least amount of time to be sick but I have been sick more in the past 5 years than I ever was before. I have always thought since I am often tired, not eating as well as I should, dealing with other people's poop and boogers it's bound to happen - right? I try to keep good hand washing skills and mind not to touch my face. Some days washing before and after diaper changes, wiping noses and handling food my skin gets so dry and cracked.

So I have been taking it easy this morning while DS is at preschool and sipping my lemon tea. Still managed to be on my second load of laundry and got the sippy cups washed but I don't have much choice - cups, diapers, dishes, meals, laundry...never ends right?

Hopefully the kids will be nice and I can climb into bed early and get enough sleep. They kept Dad up all night he didn't go to bed until DS went to school - first DS then DD and then both had the nerve to grump about being tired at wake up call. LOL

The kids got a box from their Great Aunt, Uncle and cousins and now my parents box arrived this morning. My son loves the mail thanks to international family. We are very blessed to have supportive family even if they live far away. It also helps to start geography lessons states, counties, provinces, boarders, cultures, languages, food. Funny enough for me the BEST part of living in a multicultural city is ALL the different kinds of food. The strange things kids used to bring to school for lunch - what's that and often times it was amazing and something you want to have again. Although I am slowly introducing DS to soy free Asian food - until we find soy\shellfish free we'll have to have my butchered attempts at 'Chinese' food or 'Thai' food.

My mom send me a slow cooker cook book. Woot.

Time to put up my tea since my nearly 2 year old is so upset - 'tea' is her word for hot.

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