Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Momma Food

While I have gotten my husband to try a lot of new foods over the years, some foods he just cannot handle. One of my new favorites is Hummus even more so once I began making it myself. I realized I am not a fan of cumin except when making fajitas. It reminds me of cloves. Have yet to find a way to like cloves.

Today it's another hot and muggy day so I was thinking hummus. Nom.

1 15.5oz can of chick peas, drained
6oz of drained roasted red peppers
1 big teaspoon of minced garlic [I use the jar kind]
enough olive oil to help it come together.
Fresh pepper and salt [I use McCormick Peppercorn Medley and sea salt]
squirt of honey

I blend the peppers and garlic with the pepper\salt and some oil first it helps it come together easier once you add the chick peas. Then it's blend and stir and keep adding olive oil a little at a time until it comes together. Taste and add more pepper & salt if it needs it.I added a squirt of honey - I like the taste it makes it more mellow and more likely my son will steal some. I think it would come together better if I had a food processor but my blender did the trick with lots of stopping to stir.

I found the jar of roasted red peppers, minced garlic and extra virgin olive oil at Aldi for a lot less than I have seen it elsewhere. We have also been able to find 'safe' packaged foods like chips, pretzels even canned soup that's soy\dairy free which is really rare.

I ate it with pita chips. Fresh veggies work well, veggie chips or even corn chips.

1 comment:

  1. I was JUST thinking last night that hummus sounded good, and that it can't be that hard to make... and here you have a delicious recipe posted, yay! I'll have to try it!
