Monday, January 2, 2012

A productive day

I laughed just a little at the play on words of today's blog title. Today my body decided to go through half an hour long coughing fits to finally begin bringing up the junk in my chest. Pneumonia is so much fun. I can barely eat because I feel full so quickly. My stomach sticks out like I'm pregnant trying to make room for my lungs. Steamy showers and the breathing treatments seem to help.

In other news I accomplished a lot today. Cleaned out the pantry and organized it. Cleaned out the stock pile. Took out a bunch of trash. Cleaned by the front door, took everything out swept etc. I did a load of laundry. Cleaned the kitchen and swept. Did some dishes. In the process of washing the diapers. Lots done. I really feel like you can tell I actually cleaned my house today because it looks cleaner.

Two days into reading the Bible in one year. Instead of going from one end to the other like I've done before this list skips around. I hope it will get me to read parts of the Bible I otherwise miss or don't hit often in my own reading\studying. I am waiting for the water to boil for my lemon tea. Nectar of heaven or something. It's been amazing since I got sick. Love me some lemon tea. Too bad it didn't come in boxes bigger than 20.

My baby girl had a good day today. She was happy and we had lots of good eye contact and she even said a few words. My son on the other hand is weepy and quick to get angry. We talked today about coming up with coping methods - like what to do when he gets SO ANGRY other than cussing us out, hitting etc. The joys of a five year old with anxiety and SPD. He's such a smart kid. He's amazing. We'll figure this out.

Today we tried to see how high we could count before we were grumpy anymore. 60 is a really grumpy number. 30 is for slightly annoyed. :P

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