Sunday, January 15, 2012

Another week gone

Another week. A busy week.

We went to the city this week for some testing for my daughter and her on going feeding issues. We got the all clear to go back to solid foods which she's thrilled about. She loves pears, peaches and pancakes! We also had another follow up with Neurology. We tried a secondary medication back before Christmas which she got hives from. Even after recovering from pneumonia she continued to have several seizures a week. This means that her seizures are not controlled. We're hoping this new second medication - will give her good coverage and keep her from having seizures.

In one way trying yet another medication [her 4th since developing seizures April 2011] feels like failure. In another maybe this will be it. Like trying yet another formula maybe this will be what we need to go seizure free for a length of time. Hopefully. I pray for healing. I keep thinking it's not fair a 27 month old has epilepsy. Nobody should but babies. Then I think of how blessed we are. Back in April when we got her MRI we were worried they were going to fine a tumor and the C word was mentioned. So we never forget to think of how blessed we are and how much worse things could be.

Of course we get snow - the first major snow of the entire unseasonably warm winter the day we have to drive for these very important appts. To add insult to injury my son was whiny and disagreeable ALL DAY LONG. Wouldn't even play and we planned a fun side trip between appts. Came home and he was running a fever of 102-103 for the rest of the day and all the next day too. No other symptoms except a very bad headache. Poor guy. We can't win.

I am slowly continuing to clean my house. I am hoping to have the bulk of the 'spring cleaning' done before spring arrives. I am also doing my best to keep up with Bible in one year reading. It feeds my soul. I need that.

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