Friday, April 20, 2012

Another week

Another week has gone by. The kids were up half the night so I didn't send my son to school today. He was a grumpy, weepy mess earlier and I know it's because he's tired. My daughter has a gooey waxy ear and an infected ear. She's also got this running nose and cough so she's been having breathing treatments.
Another busy week in the whole learning to be an autism mom. Met with the school board and her early intervention case worker and we should be all set to have her testing and IEP written so that DD will start school the end of September after she turns three and ages out of EI. Hopefully that way she will have no break in her services which at this point are weekly OT and ST and bi-weekly PT. She might not need PT come the fall we'll see. She's doing incredibly well. Considering how bad her low tone was when she was 10 months [couldn't sit up or roll over] she's come a long way with lots of work on her part. She usually crashes when her PT leaves because she's so tired. 
I am doing some massive spring cleaning. So far I've spent six HOURS on my room alone and I'm a little over half way done now.Three bags ready to take to the thrift shop, several bags out to trash. I am hoping to do my kids room next but I will have to do toy purging on days my son is at school and my husband can drive the toys to donate right away. Otherwise he'll cry for toys I hid months ago and he doesn't miss. We simply have too much stuff for the size of our home so something has to give. 

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