Thursday, November 17, 2011

added level of difficulty

My husband likes to play Halo. You can turn on 'skulls' which make the game harder. Sometimes he thinks it's fun to turn on all the skulls. While some of them are for fun most of them make the game even harder and you die quicker. Apparently dying a bunch of times within seconds of re-spawning [your character coming back after it dies] is a great way to spend an hour. Funny enough before my son got mobile I used to like Halo too. Now I don't have time or something. I am also too tired after the kids go to bed anyway and no more violent video games during the day.

Well we turned on all the skulls for our lives. First my husband begins having asthma trouble, then my son starts up. I am not happy but we'll deal - fall and asthma means breathing treatments and steroids. Then I broke my toe. So I am not supposed to be on my feet much for the next ten days. Then last night DD had a hard time sleeping last night and is also needing breathing treatments! My husband will also be working a crazy schedule next week.

I am also having to get creative with food. I cooked spaghetti sauce in the crock pot for the first time. Added the cooked meat and veggies with a jar of sauce and some water. It started to burn around the edges after 2 hours on high. Turned it to low. Another 2 hours. It finished the last 4 hours on 'keep warm' because even on low it was bubbling away.


  1. You know more about Halo tan any wife should hoping next week is a better one

  2. I have never thought to make my spag. sauce in the crock pot!! What a great idea.

  3. Praying that God gives you peace and strength while on this harder level of life.
