Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christmas Eve
My poor husband has pneumonia. He took off two days earlier this week. He's almost done his second round of antibiotics. The stuff he's coughing up shouldn't be coming out of a human body. It's disgusting. It needs to come out but he's really sick. He tried to call off today because after 2 breathing treatments he wasn't doing very well. His boss told him he could be an hour late but if he called off she's write him up for not calling 2 hours before and he could loose 3 days work - being suspended. So he took extra prednisone and went to work anyway.
It seems like a stupid rule - if you break for leg an hour before a shift do you get written up for not calling 2 hours before?
Either way - I love my husband for being such a good provider. I pray we will one day get to a place where he doesn't have to work sick for weeks on end because we can't afford for him not to work. If he'd been able to take off a few days to rest and get better. Maybe it wouldn't have gotten this bad.
The kids and I are sick. Thankfully DD is taking a nap. She's hardly eating but took her breathing treatments like a big girl. DS is watching Christmas movies. I am trying to do house work in between resting. While I am not coughing as bad - holy - one second I'm find the next second I am so weak and dizzy. So I am taking my time. Working slowly. I did some dishes and this morning I gathered up and took out all the trash. PTL I thought I was about out of lemon tea but I found another box - while looking for alphabet noodles for veggie soup that I didn't find.
DS is asking if we could one day get a real live tree. I told him if Daddy, him and his sister are suddenly cured of asthma and allergies I would be GLAD to get him a real Christmas tree.
I would also like anyone and everyone who feels led to pray for a little boy named Noah.
Thank you.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Happy Hanukkah
Today is the first day of Hanukkah. I decided it would be a good start to teach DS about it.
I also decided to make Latkes. All the recipes included eggs which we can't do. I winged it based on several recipes I read. Apple sauce seemed fitting. I dipped mine in apple sauce and it was really good.
8 medium grated potatoes, grated
1 medium onion, grated
Squeeze as much water out of these as possible.
pepper and salt
some apple sauce [I used about 2oz] to replace the egg
3-4tsp of all purpose flour
I fried them in Canola oil and Olive oil since olive oil is traditional.
My son was into the whole sword fight part of the Jewish people taking back their temple. He also got his first chocolate coin.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
One week away
One of my favorite days of the year. My son, who's now five, is really excited this year. I cannot wait to see his face lights up when he sees ALL the stuff we got this year. We did really well - stayed within budget and it's fun to play Santa. I never realized how much fun it would be. Now my daughter - doesn't really get it, isn't surprised, doesn't seem to react in anyway. Maybe at 27 months I already cannot impress her. She got a gift from her Great Aunt early yesterday and while she wasn't surprised and didn't open it - once it was out she sat playing with it for over 2 hours total yesterday.
Sometimes I wouldn't mind more of a reaction out of her. Although it makes those smiles and that look - hey you're my Momma - all the more special. Her Daddy and I cherish every one of them and are hopeful for the day when we know she understands us.
I plan on listening to Christmas carols, making yummy food, spending lots of fun times with the kids and making lots of fun memories with my kiddos.
I also plan on introducing my son to the basics of Hanukkah. Latkes - can't wait - and I got chocolate coins for DS. We'll see how much he gets. I am learning too so we'll both be beginners.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Big long very bad day
We had a full day at the hospital. Every 3 months all the specialists want to see both kids. I also need new scripts every 3 months for everything from Speech Therapy to formula.
To make things more interesting my son began throwing up on the way to the hospital. It's like 50 miles or so one way. Far for us. We rarely leave the county otherwise. Thankfully we stopped in a tiny town. It was like on TV - Bank, Post Office, Gas Station and inside the Gas Station Attendant was shooting the breeze with the town policeman and the was awesome. Said lady working at the gas station was kind enough to let us have like 300 paper towels and bags for both his clothes and to cover the car seat. She even found a box we lined with a bag to serve as 'barf bucket'.
Note to self: Remember to also pack UNDERWEAR for extra clothes. Thankfully my son who tells everyone everything didn't tell everyone we saw today that he was going Commando. I was thanking God for that - after several hours and doctors all running at least 30 minutes behind a piece I would have dropped to my knees and balled like a baby.
Not over the underwear. Over how stressful things can be. I love my babies so much. I'd give a kidney to make them better. Anything. Most of the time I am on top of things other times I want to have a good cry because it's not fair.
DD barfed from being so upset because we totally were an HOUR late for nap time thanks to late doctors. She freaked. Thankfully everything is better now. Naps have been taking, car seat cover has been washed. Momma has chocolate.
My house is trashed. My speech therapist will be here in 13 hours and it will probably still be bad when she gets here. I did however put together chicken noodle soup and put it in the crock pot - so we'll have good food - full of veggies and chicken and homemade stock.
I'd rather that than fast junk and a clean house although I'd like to be June Cleaver and do it all in pearls with perfect hair. One day I will be more awesome. Today I know my babies are loved. I know I advocated for their health and well being to the best of my ability. I know they feel happy and secure.
I also know when my son is too old to call chicken noodle soup chicken little soup anymore I will be sad. That's the stuff life is made for. <3 Love.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Frightful weather
It was 12 degrees this morning when I woke up. It's now up to 17! Yep, winter is here! My husband and son will be leaving soon to have a nice Daddy-son morning. I hope they have lots of fun. It's hard when you have a child with Sensory Processing Disorder [ SPD ] to know how they will react to different things. One time something is fine the next he's screaming and you end up carrying\dragging him kicking and screaming and fighting [while yelling he hates you or something equally heart breaking] out of the store, library, school etc. He's usually my sweet lovable awesome kid and the next he hits and says mean things and uses potty words.
Then I find out the tag on his shirt was itchy and the sun was too shiny or the room smelled too much or was too loud or the lights buzzed.
I'm sure it's just as hard on him which makes it worse.
So I am praying my son and husband have fun and they have a good bonding experience. I will be at home with Missy who will attempt to 'help' me. She may not even pretend and just climb up the pantry or throw cans in the hallway to see if I'll trip. :P
Sunday, December 4, 2011
We put up our Christmas tree today. It went better than I expected it to go. DS did his best to help and DD did he best to take the tree apart. I'd decided maybe I could forgo tying the tree to the wall. I figured our tree would be safe on the table since it's a cute little 3 foot tree. Nope. DD thew it over her head behind he back. It landed on her brother and she was triumphant.
My husband got me an early gift - a mini muffin tin. I've wanted one for a while. It will be perfect for making kiddo sized snacks. Now if only I could still get my son to eat something other than a chocolate chip muffin. I am thinking of making a fruit muffin with pureed fruit and sticking some chocolate chips on top to see if he'd go for it.
DD is starting to come out of the super bad sickness funk - hopefully her ear will start to be less disgusting sooon. I am so over green goo leaking out of my child. Not cool. I am hoping her eating will pick up she had maybe 10oz formula, 6oz Pedialyte and 4oz of apple sauce. Not enough.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Friday Photo Feature
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Crock Pot Salisbury Steak
So I decided to make Salisbury steak. I totally forgot to take pictures! My husband has bought frozen tenderized steaks that I had to make something with. I cooked an onion & can of mushrooms in a pan until the onions turned clear and dumped them over 2 big steaks[they were frozen but thin enough I didn't worry about it] in the crock pot set on high. Then I heated 2.5 cups of beef broth [from a box - low sodium] in the pan whisking in enough powder of brown gravy mix. Once it began to thicken I dumped it over the steaks and popped the lid on the crock Cooked on high for an hour and then dropped to low for the last 90 minutes. Made mashed potatoes and called it dinner. I am sure we could have had another veggie but the gravy was SO amazingly awesome DH and I both has seconds of potatoes just to eat the gravy. The left over steak and gravy went to work with DH with bread for his lunch. He said it was amazing even re-heated.
It was not salty even with using the mix and the broth but you'll have to judge how your family likes their food.
My wonderful husband recently found Orrington Farms Brown Gravy Mix. It's soy free! We haven't had gravy mix in a few years since we noticed one by one the mixes we used to buy started becoming 'soy contaminated' as we say in our house. Not that I don't mind making my own gravy but sometimes you know you want that 'brown gravy' taste [think poutine - it's just not the same with something else] and I cannot seem to replicate it completely from scratch. Google them and check out their products. I know I'll be seeing what else they have to offer and will be buying this gravy mix again.
If you don't know what Poutine is or you've never had it. Try it! If you can't get cheese curd - grated mozzarella works well even if some fans might turn up their nose. Fries, cheese and gravy! Nom!!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Another level?
I love the sound of nebulizers in the morning...
Well no I don't. Right now my husband and son are sitting down having breathing treatments and watching a Christmas special from one of DS' favorite cartoons.
Last night I played Mickey's Christmas Carol. Thanksgiving is FINALLY out of the way so now the Christmas Season can begin. Weee! I love Christmas. Making memories with my children. I also can't wait for the first real snow so I can take the kids outside to play in it. Very fun.
I was actually looking forward to a food based holiday. Usually I don't because it's so much pressure for my food refuser [DS] and so difficult for me to find safe foods for Allergy Girl. A couple weeks ago DD began having feeding issues when it comes to her solids - gagging, watering eyes, clearing her throat, wheezing after meals etc. I tried to help her - with what I've learn from feeding therapy - but it didn't help. I made an appointment with the feeding team and her regular appoint with the GI is the same week. Yet that's still 3 weeks away. So I called - worried about her safety.
She was taken off solids. The child who actually likes to and wants to eat was taken off solids. Kick in the stomach. Thankfully that only lasted a day and she was allowed back on baby food - GI says semi-solid - but yeah baby food. At first she wouldn't go for it. Then she was bringing me a container of pear puree from the pantry.
We'll see how things go. We will see the ENT [to check her palate, adenoids, tonsils], feeding team and GI. They will probably order a feeding evaluation. That's when they mix this stuff into different thicknesses of food\liquids and watch on this video X-Ray -- to see how she handles it. If she's aspirating, if her food or vomit is penetrating anything it shouldn't be. I am hoping there won't be any needed surgery [adenoid\tonsil removal, palate repair] or another scope - both of which would require sedation.
She's always handled sedation really well but yeah Momma worries.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Friday Photo Feature
Thursday, November 17, 2011
added level of difficulty
My husband likes to play Halo. You can turn on 'skulls' which make the game harder. Sometimes he thinks it's fun to turn on all the skulls. While some of them are for fun most of them make the game even harder and you die quicker. Apparently dying a bunch of times within seconds of re-spawning [your character coming back after it dies] is a great way to spend an hour. Funny enough before my son got mobile I used to like Halo too. Now I don't have time or something. I am also too tired after the kids go to bed anyway and no more violent video games during the day.
Well we turned on all the skulls for our lives. First my husband begins having asthma trouble, then my son starts up. I am not happy but we'll deal - fall and asthma means breathing treatments and steroids. Then I broke my toe. So I am not supposed to be on my feet much for the next ten days. Then last night DD had a hard time sleeping last night and is also needing breathing treatments! My husband will also be working a crazy schedule next week.
I am also having to get creative with food. I cooked spaghetti sauce in the crock pot for the first time. Added the cooked meat and veggies with a jar of sauce and some water. It started to burn around the edges after 2 hours on high. Turned it to low. Another 2 hours. It finished the last 4 hours on 'keep warm' because even on low it was bubbling away.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Being normal
I usually hate the word normal. I was never normal growing up. I was too tall, too skinny, didn't like what the other kids liked. I wanted Star Trek toys for Christmas and didn't get them because I was a girl. My parents claimed I would grow out of my whole Star Trek thing. Then I met a guy debating Star Trek and we several years and hundreds of Trek debates later named our daughter after a Star Trek character. My husband and I were not normal. We were weird, nerds, geeks, losers.
Yet it breaks a mother's heart when you realize that the other kids don't see your child as normal. One boy tells my son he's allergic to him. My son is a strong advocate for himself at school. I am so amazed how he asks if there is soy. Yet when he tells me this other boy doesn't like him and says he's allergic to him. It breaks my heart. Just a whole big bunch. He's a sweet, amazingly smart, funny even if slightly annoying sometimes kid.
I know not everyone can like my kid. Not everyone likes me. That's life. Still. I won't admit to wanting to smack this kid I don't know. How dare you not like my baby. He's awesome.
What is awesome is my son says it's okay because he's got his friends and he names the friends he has who like him. That warms my heart.
Back to what made me think normal today.
My two year old is stilling on the floor in the front room happily enjoying a bag of animal crackers. What is more normal than that? Owls. Penguins. Elephants. She's making the animal noises and eating away. I find a bunny and tell her he's going to get into mischief. She smiles and eats him. Yep. Just like Mr. Rabbit who ended up in a pie. <3
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Adventures in feeding
So how far we've come is remarkable. The hours and hours of physical therapy [DD had low muscle tone in her trunk\core and legs] and feeding therapy and hundreds of Momma hours.
This week DD has been eating an entire apple for lunch. Raw. Biting off pieces, chewing them up, swallowing without gagging. It's been amazing. Tonight for dinner she had baked brown rice - another favorite of hers and simply amazing to see her feed herself.
We tried a cup which had an indented lid with little holes. To work her towards coffee style cup. It didn't work out. She had fun but wheezed and coughed during and wheezed for hours afterwards. Pretty good bet she had airway penetration if not outright aspiration. We'll try again in a month and see what happens.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Friday Photo Feature

This is a picture of my kids running to the playground. This was Halloween night. After refusing to wear their costumes I turned them into Farmers. Rubber boots, bib overalls, plaid son had a rake and would shout out "Stop thief!" because Mr. McGregor did.I had to explain to people my son's love for Peter Rabbit but I didn't think they'd get an 19th Century English farmer. I was wishing I'd had a stuffed rabbit - I'd have tied it from his belt...since Mr. Rabbit ended up in a pie. LOL We went to the park between Truck or Treats as we had some time to kill between the two. The kids had fun. We had fun.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
I think overall we have a fun Halloween. My tip my hat to my husband. After being up for like 26 hours [he didn't take a nap to spend more time with the kids Saturday knowing he worked overnight] he came home from work Sunday morning. Slept for only 4 hours got up because he wanted us to go to Trick or Treat through History out at the museum. It was a lot of fun. My son had trouble understanding he couldn't sit on the 200 year old sofa and was shocked to learn little boys wore dresses in the 1850s as babies and toddlers. Each room had a period appropriate Halloween thing for the kids and Mom and Dad got to look around at the cool exhibits. Being in Illinois we got to meet Abe Lincoln of course. My daughter was scared of him - being just turned two she still didn't really get it but she loved walking around and was willing to drag us along to go quicker.
We came home to a beautifully roasted chicken I'd put in the crock pot six hours before. It was perfect. $4 for a 5lb whole chicken - we'll get another meal or 2 out of it. I can't decide because hot chicken sandwiches or chicken salad or soup. I saved the broth I didn't use for was amazing!! I put some have looked better carrots on the bottom to act like a roasting wrack so the chicken didn't stick to the bottom of the crock and burn. Roasting in chicken juice sure did give those carrots a second life.
Monday my son went to school in the morning. I went to see the end of the day. He had fun. After lunch we got ready. Another truck or treat, a trip to the park and then this HUGE trunk or Treat to end the night. It got cold on the end. The kids didn't like their costumes so I dressed them up as Farmers with overalls, plaid shirts and my son carried a bucket instead of a pumpkin. They had music and games. Not many people where we went even the other side of town had their lights on. Good thing we planned to go to other events instead of door-to-door.
Then Daddy got to come home and help with bedtime and go to work. Daddy sure was tired when he got home. He rocked it out though. Awesome Dad.
Dear Halloween Candy companies,
Why write "this is not packaged for individual sale" when you know people will be giving them away. Food allergies can be deadly. We have to avoid so much, don't ruin a fun day with unlabeled candy. Put your ingredient list and warnings on EVERY product you sell. It's good for everyone. Parents of children with food allergies will support you, as in buy your products and recommend your products to fellow parents of allergy kids.
Dear some stupid parents,
Painting your kid to really look dead is creepy. It's not fun. Maybe I am a stick in the mud but I have no desire to know what my baby looks like dead. Letting your 10 year old dress up like a "zombie hooker" makes parents like me want to SMACK you. Protect your child's innocence as long as you can. It's short lived as it is.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
In the kitchen
One of the benefits of having a family with allergies is having to learn to cook and bake from scratch. I cannot pick up most take out or use a box of something as easily as other families. Most packaged products have soy or dairy or worse do not declare they package in the same factory as a product with an allergen - like peanuts or eggs.
This morning I put chicken in the crock pot with a little water, onions, garlic, pepper and salt. I'll have 1 piece for dinner and the other 2 will become chicken salad tomorrow. I made the boys a meat loaf - DH loves it and I have finally perfected my recipe. I cannot use store bought bread crumbs as they all have soy now so I crush up plain crackers. Sometimes I use bread crumbled up but it's 5 days until pay day and I didn't want to waste the bread.
Some meals are more expensive than others - recipes that call for safflower or coconut oil etc so I have to know where to be cheap. Surprisingly enough I have found a lot of off brand products are better about not having soy protein this or modified food protein that or milk, egg etc in a product that doesn't need it. When did bread need milk or eggs? Know how hard it is to find a store bought bread without soy, dairy, egg, oats or issues with coming into contact with nuts...yeah
I am thinking of investing in a bread machine.
I said this is a benefit because I am getting my family back to real food. Back to basics. Fruit, vegetables, meat, grains the only things really that sounds like a science experiment is the formula and we're glad for it. My husband complains but he gladly eats rice, more veggies and drinks water everyday. That is a huge step when I married him he ate four vegetables regular canned peas, corn, green beans and potatoes most of those came in instant flakes. Not that canned veggies or instant potatoes don't have their place but a baked potato is really awesome isn't it? If you can't do dairy try olive oil, garlic, pepper and salt and dill better yet if the dill is fresh. AMAZING.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Friday Photo Feature

Sunday, October 16, 2011
Banana Bread
2 very ripe bananas mashed
4oz stage 2 pureed pears
4oz unsweetened apple sauce
1\4 cup oil [I used safflower]
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
1\2 cup brown sugar
1\2 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1\4 teaspoon salt
Mix wet and dry separately. Mix together. Don't worry about lumps. Pour into greased baking dish. You can bake in a crock pot by placing on an overturned bowl. Add some water [1\2inch to the bottom of the crock. Pop on the lid and bake on high for 3-3.5 hours. You'll know it's done same way you tell if it's done from the oven. Your whole house will smell like banana bread, a cake tester or tooth pick will come out clean from the middle. You can also bake in the oven at 350 for about an hour check it and rotate it if your oven typically needs that when baking.

This was the bread after about 3 hours give or take 10 minutes. It was perfect. It bounced back and pulled away from the sides perfectly.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
I'm not a baby
My daughter who's proud to be a 2 year old has declared baby food off limits. I had been slowly but surely using up the last of our baby food and not making new. It's hard through - trying to get food into her diet other ways. She's rejecting acorn squash apple sauce which made me feel so creative at the time. I guess this is life - now she wants big girl food all the time. Can't blame her.
I am going to try sweet potato fries again. I'm trying to find bigger safe noodles - alphabets are hard to scoop up and eat. Maybe I'll find stars or something.
She's doing really well - loves pears, peaches, apples, crackers.
We failed our lamb trial. I was wondering how much we'd be able to add to her diet when it's $6.87 a pound but it would have been nice to have an easy protein. I am thinking of trying Sunflower seed butter - see if that will work since it's a seed not a nut\legume.
In other news my son is five years old in a week! He refuses to have a party and does NOT want presents or anything else which will make him five. So once again I am keeping his birthday low key since he doesn't want a party. We'll see how this goes.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Friday Photo Feature

A blog I regularly read does a Friday Photo Feature. The blogger is in Australia which is why I am posting this today.
Growing up a meal we had often was macaroni and stewed tomatoes. Yesterday I couldn't think of what to make so I made this. For some reason my son is rejecting noodles so I asked him if he'd eat bows the last time we were at the store. He agreed and ended up eating two plain bow noodles. No sauce! Its cheap, comforting and satisfying. You can top this with cheese and it's great with a crusty bread to dip.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Vanilla cupcakes

I modified this recipe. I decided on cupcakes for DD's birthday - half the recipe made 5 cupcakes so for a big family you may have to triple [or more] my recipe.
Preheat your oven to 350 and put cupcake papers in.
1 cup AP flour
1\2 cup sugar
1\4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1\4 tsp baking soda
1\2 cup vanilla rice milk
2 tbsp safflower oil
1\2 tsp white vinegar
1tsp vanilla
'Cream' oil and sugar together. Add the rest of the liquid ingredients. Mix. Add baking soda and powder, salt then stir the flour in until just mixed together. It will be lumpy. It will work out.
Bake for 20-25 minutes - rotate the pan half way through.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
On the other we have had a long, scary road of hospitalizations, allergies, seizures, Epi-Pens, medications, elimination diets, formula trials, scopes, blood work and those made time drag on. She is an amazing person. I am very blessed to know her and my life is only better for it. I love seeing her personality unfold before me - I don't know who she will be but I am so amazed at being included in this journey. No matter how stressful the medical stuff can be. Like every Momma I hope I make the right choices and guide her the best way. I have said sorry more than once already and I am sure I will a lot more. Hopefully she understands when I mess up I am trying my best and coming from a place of love and wanting the best for her. Although I bet, like me she won't get it until she becomes a mother herself.
As for birthdays - CAKE!! I am attempting a cake recipe to make 'safe' cake for her. No eggs, milk, butter....I am modifying a recipe I found to use things she can take and I've already trialed. I will share that recipe and hopefully a picture.
I got a new crock pot. Swoon. It's HUGE and fits a full sized loaf pan so I can try more baking. I am super excited. I also got a tiny one extra - I wonder if a cheese dip is in our future for Husband and I for date night. Although we've been on a pop corn kick right now I toss mine with olive oil, garlic powder, a little sugar and dried dill. Amazing!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
First tastes of Fall

Homemade Alphabet soup
I used beef broth which my husband loved and instead of actual tomatoes, tomato paste so the boys wouldn't complain about tomato pieces. Alphabet noodles because my son loves alphabet soup in the can and the car noodles get too mushy.

Canadian style baked beans. Even after soaking them for about 18 hours or so they took a long time. Next time I think I might boil them after soaking them overnight before adding them to the crock pot with the goodies. I did not use bacon or ham and they still tasted amazing.

This is the first Pumpkin Puree of the season. I steamed the tiny pumpkin in a pot on the stove only took about 25 minutes. Usually I do hard squash in the crock pot and it takes about 3.5 hours. She doesn't like it plain or flavored like pumpkin pie [cinnamon and sugar added] but she loves it mixed with apple sauce.
Friday, September 9, 2011
I think I am getting sick
Funny thing about being a mother. You have the least amount of time to be sick but I have been sick more in the past 5 years than I ever was before. I have always thought since I am often tired, not eating as well as I should, dealing with other people's poop and boogers it's bound to happen - right? I try to keep good hand washing skills and mind not to touch my face. Some days washing before and after diaper changes, wiping noses and handling food my skin gets so dry and cracked.
So I have been taking it easy this morning while DS is at preschool and sipping my lemon tea. Still managed to be on my second load of laundry and got the sippy cups washed but I don't have much choice - cups, diapers, dishes, meals, laundry...never ends right?
Hopefully the kids will be nice and I can climb into bed early and get enough sleep. They kept Dad up all night he didn't go to bed until DS went to school - first DS then DD and then both had the nerve to grump about being tired at wake up call. LOL
The kids got a box from their Great Aunt, Uncle and cousins and now my parents box arrived this morning. My son loves the mail thanks to international family. We are very blessed to have supportive family even if they live far away. It also helps to start geography lessons states, counties, provinces, boarders, cultures, languages, food. Funny enough for me the BEST part of living in a multicultural city is ALL the different kinds of food. The strange things kids used to bring to school for lunch - what's that and often times it was amazing and something you want to have again. Although I am slowly introducing DS to soy free Asian food - until we find soy\shellfish free we'll have to have my butchered attempts at 'Chinese' food or 'Thai' food.
My mom send me a slow cooker cook book. Woot.
Time to put up my tea since my nearly 2 year old is so upset - 'tea' is her word for hot.
Saturday, September 3, 2011

I wanted salsa so I decided I had most of the ingredients I needed so I would make it. I was happy with how it turned out and it was even better the second and third day. I diced tomatoes, red onion, green pepper, minced garlic, pineapple[used canned] and then added cumin, cilantro, lots of fresh cracked pepper, salt and a splash of vinegar.
I think next time I will use more tomato and lemon or lime juice instead of vinegar.
I also made Spanish rice in the rice cooker. I copied what they had in the ingredients on the back of the box of 'Spanish rice mix' for the ingredients.
1 cup of white rice, picked over, rinsed and drained in the rice cooker pot.
I took a 4 cup liquid measure and put in 1 tablespoon of each red onion, green pepper and tomato paste[we felt it was too much so next time I will use half the tomato paste]. Finely chop those onions and peppers. Add enough chicken broth to bring the liquid up to 1 2\3 cup.
20 cranks of fresh ground black pepper
1\2 tsp dried cilantro
1\4 tsp ground cumin
I would salt the water well if you don't use chicken broth but I didn't use salt as the chicken broth is salty on it's own.
1 cup of rice cooks perfectly in 1 3\4 cups liquid. I figure the rice will hold on to some water from being rinsed and some liquid from the tomato paste, veggies etc.
Add liquid to rice and stir. Put in rice cooker and set to cook. It will pop up when it's done.
I was very happy with the rice. My husband has seconds and usually he's not a rice fan and even my son ate it.I also might try it with brown rice once I can figure out how to cook brown rice in the rice cooker.
Friday, August 26, 2011
We finished our first week of school. Last week I knew I'd have to encourage my son to eat breakfast so I stocked up on eggs. Scrambled eggs take less than 5 minutes and he LOVES them. Two eggs scrambled or 1 egg and 1 sliced banana or 1 egg and some yogurt.
My son doesn't see cereal as breakfast and he'd never eat it covered with milk so I don't get to cop out at breakfast. I used to make pancakes, french toast and waffles in advance to re-heat in the toaster. It was wonderful. He however has decided he will only eat store waffles and won't touch French toast or re-heated pancakes anymore. I tried to get him to try home fries calling them breakfast french fries but he wouldn't go for it. Maybe if I just bake regular cut potato fries to serve with bacon and eggs he'd at least try it.
Will be hunting down breakfast recipes.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Summer winding down
I have been enjoying the last few weeks of summer with my family. Sure summer doesn't officially end until mid September but school starts next week. We done some fun things including going on a picnic with friends.
The heat has finally lifted so we were able to enjoy some hot meals like spaghetti - first my son rejected sauce and now noodles. He did however try meatloaf this week. My husband said it was my best meatloaf yet - full of veggies so I felt good feeding it to him. My son was not impressed.Although he was optimistic about trying it which is nice.This morning we discovered yogurt in a tube is awesome.
Next week I get to get back into making breakfast every day and having fun school snacks made and packed every morning. We've met his teacher [same as last year] and Pre-K 4 should be lots of fun. He'll be one of the 'big' kids this year. He'll also be joined by one of his best friends who's starting school. Miss fussy boots will be here with me for another couple of years. One of the perks of having fall babies - you get an extra year home with them. Wub.
Today as part of dinner we had Super Fries. Oven baked fries topped with bacon bits, minced onion, shredded Cheddar cheese while the fries are hot so the cheese melts and then some sour cream. I always salt and pepper my fries before building. You can also use green onion instead but I like them on top with the sour cream cold not warmed up by the hot fries. Yummy!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Last week we finally took the plunge and moved our daughter, who will be 2 the end of September into her brother's room. My son was not as happy about this as Daddy and I were. He doesn't want to share. Funny since he complains about being alone.
* Edit 09-09-11 *
I didn't realize I didn't post this. The move went well and the children have made a nice transition into being room mates.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Muffins & Jam

So I had some blueberries past their prime - not good enough to eat fresh but not bad. I also cut up 2 apples and cooked them down with some sugar, mashed with the potato masher and called it jam. DS of course says "Where are the muffins?" as he always does.
I wanted my daughter to have muffins too. She's almost two now and she knows when someone gets to eat something and she can't. I looked online and found a recipe by Chef Bette. I had to make a lot of changes but it turned out well.
Here's the original recipe.
My recipe
1\2 Cup vanilla rice milk
1 Cup all purpose flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1.5 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons safflower oil
1 tablespoon real maple syrup
1\4 tsp salt
I mixed them using the muffin method. Mixed together dry then wet. Added wet to dry and mixed just enough. Baked them at 400. I did cut the batch in half but I got 9 little muffins out of it - some plain and some with mini chocolate chips for my son.
They did not taste very sweet to me but DD LOVED them. I will make a full batch next time and try some of the other ideas I had. Like using whole wheat flour or replacing some of the milk with fruit puree. I even thought about using jam as a fruit surprise.
Friday, August 5, 2011
You are what you read
One thing about children's books is a lot of them have lots of fun ideas about food. Our first love is Peter Rabbit - thanks to Beatrix Potter we've been getting into mischief for years with Peter and Benjamin and eating the food they found in the garden. Beans and even trying peas because the mouse had a pea in her mouth.
One morning I made my son muffins and he turns to me and says "What about the jam?" and this started me on our "book food". Muffins and Jam or pancakes and maple syrup - a big deal for my son who is very against any type of sauce. Food from a garden or even making a herbivore lunch like The Pteranodon family does when Tank comes for lunch. Making green eggs to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday didn't work out so well I had to make him new eggs because "sparkly eggs are supposed to be yellow, Momma!".
It won't fix my son's feeding issues but it can make food more fun and connect what we're doing in feeding therapy and at dinner with the books we know and love. Now that he's almost five I have a funny feeling I will have to try and make some food that looks like energon cubes because he tells me this is what Transformers think I can sneak a serving of veggies into energon?
A feeding disorder - feeding\oral aversion etc goes way beyond a typical "picky" kid. This is a serious medical problem which involves needing help from doctors like a Gastroenterologist or Developmental Pediatrician and your child's pediatrician to help from speech and occupational therapists and a Pediatric Dietitian. It involves testing like blood work, feeding evaluations and even looking at your child's digestive system with a camera. Getting help from the right 'team' of people is amazing even more so when you see your child finally eat or drink and actually gain weight. The joy you feel when your kid eats pizza like the other kids or tries a liquid other than water.
I hope we will all learn healthy views on food, eating etc thanks to all of this and we'll be better for it.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Momma Food
While I have gotten my husband to try a lot of new foods over the years, some foods he just cannot handle. One of my new favorites is Hummus even more so once I began making it myself. I realized I am not a fan of cumin except when making fajitas. It reminds me of cloves. Have yet to find a way to like cloves.
Today it's another hot and muggy day so I was thinking hummus. Nom.
1 15.5oz can of chick peas, drained
6oz of drained roasted red peppers
1 big teaspoon of minced garlic [I use the jar kind]
enough olive oil to help it come together.
Fresh pepper and salt [I use McCormick Peppercorn Medley and sea salt]
squirt of honey
I blend the peppers and garlic with the pepper\salt and some oil first it helps it come together easier once you add the chick peas. Then it's blend and stir and keep adding olive oil a little at a time until it comes together. Taste and add more pepper & salt if it needs it.I added a squirt of honey - I like the taste it makes it more mellow and more likely my son will steal some. I think it would come together better if I had a food processor but my blender did the trick with lots of stopping to stir.
I found the jar of roasted red peppers, minced garlic and extra virgin olive oil at Aldi for a lot less than I have seen it elsewhere. We have also been able to find 'safe' packaged foods like chips, pretzels even canned soup that's soy\dairy free which is really rare.
I ate it with pita chips. Fresh veggies work well, veggie chips or even corn chips.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Winter Squash
One great and easy thing to feed babies & toddlers is squash. I prefer to cook butternut squash, acorn squash and pumpkin in the crock pot. split, seed and chop into small enough pieces to into into your crock pot flesh side down. Add about half an inch of water, cover and set on high. In 3.5 hours you'll have cooked squash. Cool and scoop out of the skins. Blended with some of the cooking water it makes great puree or with a fork or potato masher to have more texture for an older baby\toddlers. I prefer mine mashed with butter and brown sugar but real maple syrup is awesome and pumpkin is great for bread and pie of course.
I did however notice in the summer the acorn squash I made for my daughter was bitter. So I came up with an idea as I didn't want the squash to go to waste.
Flesh of one acorn squash, pureed about 4 cups
2 cups of unsweetened apple sauce
dash of cinnamon
1 tablespoon white sugar
I mixed it all in the blended it all in my regular blender. I would guess other sweeteners would work too or not using one at all.
My daughter loves acorn squash apple sauce - I'm so glad I did it.
Another great way to use it is in bread [banana squash bread] or muffins. My son hopefully will never know his chocolate chip muffins for school have a serving of veggies in them.
Apple-Pear-Squash & Blueberry bread
8oz of pear-squash puree
1.5 cups of apple sauce
1\4 cup oil
1\2 cup brown sugar
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
dash of cinnamon
1\4 teaspoon salt
2\3 cup fresh whole blueberries
Mix dry. Mix wet. Combine. Fold berries in at the end. I washed them and patted them dry.
As for baking I would expect it would bake in an oven like a typical banana bread. I however have never baked this in my oven. I bake it in the crock pot.
Pour battered into a greased dish smaller than the vessel of the crock pot. Turn a heat safe bowl over inside the crock pot.I just use a small cereal bowl. Make sure it's not too high as the lid of the crock pot has to fit on top with the bread in the dish inside. Add half an inch of water. Place dish inside the crock pot on the over turned bowl. Put lid on crock pot. Cook on high. It won't look like it's doing anything but you will see about an hour inside the batter swell and 2.5 hours in or so you will begin to smell cooking bread. 3.5-4 hours later your bread will be done. Use a knife when it comes out clean it's done.
Warm with butter it was even an awesome Momma breakfast.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I found a recipe for vegan pancakes for the kids. While my son can have lactose free milk my daughter cannot have any dairy or eggs.I am trying to have more and more recipes everyone in the family can eat. Sometimes looking for vegan recipes can be frustrating as people simply replace dairy with soy or some other food which is also an allergen. Or these recipes are long and involve complicated things I can't find in a typical grocery store. Although this is easier as no one in our family is gluten or corn free.
I found this recipe from
- 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 tablespoons white sugar
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 1/4 cups water
- 1 tablespoon oil - plus extra to fry with if you need\want to.
Vanilla maple vegan pancakes
3\4 cup Whole Wheat flour
1\2 cup all purpose flour
2 tablespoons white sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups vanilla rice milk
1 tablespoon real maple syrup
1 tablespoon oil
Oil to fry with - I use coconut oil shortening while safflower oil in the batter.
I have made this recipe with cow's milk, water, rice milk without issue. I have also used canola, safflower or coconut oil without noticing a difference. So it seems an easy recipe to modify for allergies and switching things up. Mix and cook like typical pancakes - mix dry, then wet, mix together and cook in frying pan or griddle and I use a little oil or coconut shortening - helps to keep from sticking and with browning.
I am going to try adding blueberries and other fruit some time soon - we'll see how that turns out.