On Thursday my baby girl turns two. I can hardly believe it. On one hand it's gone by so fast. One minute I am going to the hospital to have her and the next she'd running after her brother playing army men screaming 'attack!'.
On the other we have had a long, scary road of hospitalizations, allergies, seizures, Epi-Pens, medications, elimination diets, formula trials, scopes, blood work and those made time drag on. She is an amazing person. I am very blessed to know her and my life is only better for it. I love seeing her personality unfold before me - I don't know who she will be but I am so amazed at being included in this journey. No matter how stressful the medical stuff can be. Like every Momma I hope I make the right choices and guide her the best way. I have said sorry more than once already and I am sure I will a lot more. Hopefully she understands when I mess up I am trying my best and coming from a place of love and wanting the best for her. Although I bet, like me she won't get it until she becomes a mother herself.
As for birthdays - CAKE!! I am attempting a cake recipe to make 'safe' cake for her. No eggs, milk, butter....I am modifying a recipe I found to use things she can take and I've already trialed. I will share that recipe and hopefully a picture.
I got a new crock pot. Swoon. It's HUGE and fits a full sized loaf pan so I can try more baking. I am super excited. I also got a tiny one extra - I wonder if a cheese dip is in our future for Husband and I for date night. Although we've been on a pop corn kick right now I toss mine with olive oil, garlic powder, a little sugar and dried dill. Amazing!